Nursery - Our Class is a Family
The latest learning in Nursery.
We have read the story of, 'Our Class is a Family' written by Shannon Olsen. It is a story about how, “Family isn’t always your relatives. It’s the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.” We have talked about who is in our family, if we have any pets and any events or experiences we could remember. New Nursery children have explored inside the classroom and outdoors. Older children in Nursery have helped other children settle into our routine by playing together and showing children what to do such as when it is tidy up time, home time and how to wash hands.
We have listened to and talked about environmental and instrumental sounds. We have looked at the sizes of big, medium and small using objects from inside and outside the classroom and also using the interactive whiteboard.