
Curriculum Intent

At South Borough, our music curriculum ensures that our children gain a thorough understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. Children discover the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts. At South Borough we appreciate the wide range of cultures that are part of our school community. We use music to include everybody and celebrate our differences as citizens of the world.

The music curriculum intends to inspire creativity and self-expression in our children, as well as giving them opportunities to connect and work alongside other children cooperatively. Our aim is for every child to develop descriptive language skills from their music lessons and to be able to explain how music can embody different feelings, emotions and narratives. Overall, we wish for all children to deepen their understanding of music in the world and to gain an overview of the significant role of music throughout history.

Curriculum Implementation

Music lessons are planned and taught according to the Charanga scheme of work. The Charanga scheme provides teachers with engaging and exciting activities which build upon the children’s musical knowledge and skills each year. The scheme supports all of the requirements set out in the National Curriculum and each unit of work comprises the following strands of musical learning: listening and appraising, musical activities such as warm- up games, optional games, singing, playing instruments, improvisation, composition and performing. Acquisition of these skills is assessed throughout a unit of work.

To ensure every child feels challenged and has opportunities to progress further with their learning, Charanga provides varying types of activities and encourages them to engage musically with each other during their weekly lessons. This enables all of our children to access the music curriculum equally. During music lessons, children will be exposed to a variety of instruments, genres, rhythms and structures and have opportunities to play some instruments themselves. The interrelated dimensions of music weave through the units to encourage the development of musical skills as the learning progresses. Students are also taught technical vocabulary such as: volume, pitch, beat and rhythm, and we actively encourage children to discuss music using these terms.

In Early Years music is a key aspect and is included in one of the seven areas of the curriculum under Expressive Arts and Design. The teaching of music is included in everyday activities and children learn to sing a large repertoire of songs and rhymes. Some musical instruments are available all the time during child initiated time for children to explore and play with increasing control to express their feelings and ideas.

In addition to weekly music lessons, the use of music is encouraged within other lessons to broaden children’s concept of music and its role in the wider world. In addition to in class music provision, we also ensure that opportunities are provided for children to develop their musical skills and perform through both extra-curricular activities and drama performances. During Key Stage 2, children will have lessons in how to play a musical instrument.