The Friends of South Borough is a voluntary group of parents and carers who organise and run events in the school, throughout the year, for the benefit of the children. 

All funds raised from the events are used to provide fun activities and additional facilities for the children. It is your support that makes this possible. During the past year we have:

  • Co-funded the new school stage.
  • Provided a school flag for use at local events.
  • Provided a number of Kindles for the reader awards draw.
  • Provided book marks for each child achieving 145 reads.
  • Supplied the eggs for the Easter egg hunt.
  • Funded the Year 6 leavers' party and gifts.
  • Funded the sweets handed out by Father Christmas.

We are currently considering co-funding much needed additional playground equipment.

Events we have organised in the past include:

  • Summer Fair - A very successful day despite competing with England playing in the World Cup.
  • Christmas Fair - Lots of seasonal fun and games for the children.
  • Mother’s day and Father’s day related events, allowing children to purchase a small gift for their parent/carer.
  • Easter egg hunt - Everyone a winner.
  • Year 6 Leavers' Party.
  • Diwali celebration.
  • Themed 'non-uniform' days.

In the future, we are planning to hold a quiz night, so watch out for further details. Plans are also well underway for the next summer fair. Watch this space.


     Laura Ryder- Chair      Linda Parkin- Treasurer        John Parkin- Secretary


               Laura Bell-                          Gemma Braybrooke-
        Committee Member                Committee Member


Minutes from our meetings are posted on this page of the school website. We are always looking for new volunteers to join FOSB and support the work we are involved with. If you are interested and have any spare free time, please leave your name and contact details at the school office, or speak to one of the people above.

With each new intake, we also see children leave the school and the numbers of helpers in our group reduces. If you are able to offer even a little of your time to support us, we will be most grateful. You don’t need to be on the committee but we will be glad to welcome you if you do.

Only with parent and carers like you joining our group, are we able to continue the events which FOSB have supported for so many years.