

Safeguarding at South Borough Primary School

If a child is in imminent danger then please dial 999 for the Police.

The team at South Borough Primary School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare, both physical and emotional, of every pupil. We aim to provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral development of each individual child and strive to make sure that every pupil in the school feels safe, secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.

Please read our full Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy here

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) in school are:

Mr Currie Mr Clarke Miss Ballard  
Mrs Fulcher Mrs Hunt Mrs Parkhouse  

If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child please make immediate contact to the school directly on 01622 752161 and clearly state that your call relates to a potential safeguarding issue.  You will then be transferred to one of our DSLs. 

If your concerns are outside of school hours or during the school holidays, please contact the police or the Kent Central Duty Team on 03000 411111 or by visiting their website on