Latest News

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  • 02/01/24

    PE Timetables Term 3

    A timetable for when your child/ren will have PE.
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  • 13/12/23

    Start of Term 3

    Children return to school for Term 3 on Wednesday 3rd January.
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  • 06/12/23

    Aftercare Provision

    Changes to our Aftercare Provision from the beginning of Term 3.
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  • 30/11/23

    Christmas Fair

    Friday 8th December - All children from Nursery to Year 6 will have a chance to attend the fair with their class teacher during the school day.
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  • 22/11/23

    Christmas Showcase

    On Tuesday 5th December, Years 2 - 6 will be taking part in South Borough’s very own Christmas Showcase!
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  • 06/11/23

    Christmas Lunch Menu

    Our Christmas Lunch Menu.
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  • 06/11/23

    Respecting Differences Week

    13th - 17th November 2023.
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  • 03/11/23

    Parent Consultations

    Parents Consultations will take place on 15th & 16th November.
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