Latest News

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  • 13/10/23

    Term Dates

    Term 1 ends on Friday 20th October. Children return to school on Monday 30th October.
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  • 13/10/23

    FOSB Annual General Meeting

    The Friends of South Borough rescheduled AGM will take place on Monday 6th November 2023.
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  • 13/10/23

    PE Timetables Term 2

    A timetable for when your child/ren will have PE.
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  • 29/09/23

    Behaviour Policy Parent Information

    A booklet containing important information for parents about our Behaviour Policy.
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  • 27/09/23

    Year R Sept 2024 Open Day

    Do you have a child starting school in September 2024? Find more information about our open mornings.
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  • 15/09/23

    School Clubs

    Extra-curricular clubs will be starting soon. Apply now!
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  • 08/09/23

    PE Timetables Term 1

    A timetable for when your child/ren will have PE.
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  • 21/07/23

    End of Year Newsletter

    The latest whole school newsletter.
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