Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to provide a rich and balanced PE curriculum that enables all children the ability to be successful. We will ensure that our PE is meaningful and appropriate, supporting children as they develop their physical, social and mental wellbeing. We aim to create a passionate and competitive environment that supports children to develop a lifelong love for PE and healthy lifestyles. All pupils will have the opportunity to increase physical fitness, investigate new activities and compete fairly, with an underlying message of respect.
Curriculum Implementation
At South Borough, we have planned our PE curriculum using the National Curriculum aims and requirements, alongside the Team Theme sequence of learning. At South Borough, it is essential that PE is taught twice a week throughout the year.
During Physical Education lessons, pupils will work independently, in groups and in small teams to achieve good physical literacy. Pupils will be exposed to a variety of sports throughout their education at South Borough, developing and honing their skills. Teaching will emphasise the development of their physical ability, as well as building students knowledge of the social, emotional and mental health benefits of being active.
Within each key stage’s programme of study, lessons have been designed to include four core strands: Cognitive Skills; Physical Development; Physical Fitness; Personal Qualities - which are clearly outlined within our Progression of Skills. We aim to challenge pupils to improve their flexibility, strength, technique, control, balance and coordination. PE is assessed against the skills outlined in the skills progression document. During lessons, assessment is continuous with teachers providing live feedback and advice on how to improve skill and agility. Teachers and Sports Coaches will strive to ignite passion and excitement within their lessons, with an emphasis on children being active for as long as possible, in order to inspire an interest in Physical Education and sporting excellence.
The children will be provided with a broad range of opportunities within PE. Working alongside the School Games Mark, children from both key stages will have the chance to compete in inter and intra-school competitions. All year groups will be given the chance to join a variety of extra-curricular clubs which will promote participation and provide pupils with the opportunity to excel in sport. The school is also working alongside the Youth Sport Trust and FA Shooting Stars programme, to offer an extra-curricular club targeted at female pupils, in order to increase their participation in sport. Through the positive working relationship with Sports For Champions, we inspire pupils to participate in sport throughout their life. We will provide children with the chance to meet professional athletes from a variety of sporting and cultural backgrounds. Further to this, we are empowering pupils by selecting Sports Leaders, ensuring pupil voice is considered in all aspects of our delivery of the curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
In line with the National Curriculum we aim that by time children finish year 6 they will all be able to do the following:
swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)
perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Our swimming lessons take place in the local swimming pool. Swimming instructors from the leisure centre provide lessons, which are in line with the national curriculum aims and expectations. Children in Key Stage 2 are taught blocks of swimming during their time with us.