Stay 'n' Play

Outsourced to Teamtheme, the company we use to provide our exceptional Sports Coaches and some sports clubs. Full details can be found by going to this website:

Teamtheme have their own online booking system which is available by going to this website:
You will need to register an account prior to your first booking.

For the short session, parents must collect their child at the session end time of 4:30pm and not ad hoc times in between. This is to ensure that children gain maximum benefit from the planned activities, rather than leaving part way through and to enable staff to focus on the activities rather than ferrying children to and fro.

For the long session, parents can collect from 5:45pm onwards.

  Timings Pick Up Time Cost 
Short Session  3:15-4:30pm 4:30pm from Gate 3 £6
Long Session  3:15-6pm 5:45pm onwards from
Gate 3

Please read the letter detailing all the changes here and view the flyer here.