Letters Home

Whole School Information

Term 6
Final Newsletter
RE Day - Monday 15th July 2024
Euros Menu - Thursday 11th July 2024

Staffing and Classes - September 2024
KS2 Sports Day 2024
EYFS/KS1 Sports Day 2024
Summer Solstice Menu - Friday 21st June
Maidstone Family Hubs
PE Timetables
Term 5
Child Bereavement
RE Day Buddhism - Thursday 23rd May 2024
Nourish Menu - Thursday 16th May
Online Parent Workshop - Introduction To Understanding Autism
Parking Restrictions and Cooperation
Head Lice
Yr R - 6 PE Timetables

Walk and Talk
Term 4
RE Day - Islam
Online Parent Workshop - Me and My Child Understanding Resilience
Lockdown Procedures and Practice

Personal Devices - Smart Watches
Online Parent workshop - Understanding Your Child's Behaviour
School's Out - Easter Holiday Club
Parent Consultations Term 4
Yr R - 6 PE Timetables
Term 3
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024
RE Day Hinduism - Thursday 8th February 2024
World Book Day 2024 - Short Story Competition
How Mainstream Schools Support Primary Children with SEND
Schools Out Holiday Club - February Half Term

Parent Parking Protocol
Numbers Festival Menu - Thursday 18th January
Online Parent Workshops - Understanding ADHD in Children
Term 3 and 4 Extra-curricular clubs
Yr R - 6 PE Timetables
Term 2
Poppy Appeal Donations
How Mainstream Schools Support Children with SEN - Training for Families of Children With SEND in

Aftercare - Changes from January 2024 
Team Theme Kent - Stay 'n' Play
RE Day - Christianity - Thursday 7th December 2023
Christmas Fair
Home Learning Expectations
Understanding your child's behaviour - Parent group programme
Sunlight Project
Christmas Lunch Menu
Norovirus Factsheet (and other Viral Gastroenteritis)
Health letter to parents
Respecting Differences Week - 13-17th November 2023
Protecting your child against flu
Flu Vaccination - Year R-6
Parents Consultations - November 2023
Term 1
RE Day Sikhism - Thursday 19th October 2023
FOSB AGM - Monday 6th November 2023
PE Timetables Term 2

Online Parent Workshops - Understanding Sleep and Autistic Children
School Menu - Commencing 30th October 2023
Class Dojo Messaging Protocol
Behaviour Policy Parent Information September 2023
Parent Sessions - Introduction to the Emotional Wellbeing Team
Year R Sept 2024 Open Day Poster
Parent Reps WhatsApp Year Groups
Schools Out Holiday Club - Oct Half Term

Home School Communication Guide
Mr Nourish's Birthday - Thursday 5th October
School Clubs 2023-2024

Parent Conduct
Attendance Policy - A Parents’ Guide
PE Timetables
Reinforced Aerated Autoclaved Concrete
Kent Adult Education Courses